Band Camp was a huge success! Thank you to our Band Boosters and parent volunteers for hosting our End of Band Camp Party. The students and staff had a great time celebrating their accomplishments from the past two weeks.
This week we are rehearsing on Monday and Thursday from 5:30-8:30pm. Please be reminded that our rehearsals are closed to the public. Visitors are not allowed in the stadium to watch our students rehearse. Thank you for your cooperation. Last week, we forgot to mention that we nominate Marchers of the Week and a Section of the Week every Friday. The Marchers of the Week in the first week of band camp were: Jovany Osorio-Vasquez and Carlos Cazorla Vergel (woodwinds), Erik Alvarado and Kleber Flores-Hernandez (brass), Ava Jones and Sara Bejarano (percussion), Mica Gromis and Gianna Klenk (auxiliary), and Liam Rezende and Andrew Borbor (officer). The Section of the Week was the Trombone Section led by brass captains Kleber Flores-Hernandez and Jack Waligora, and section leaders Jeremy Walsh, Malia Hubbell, and Genesis LaRusso. Last week’s Marchers of the Week were Shaun Anderson (woodwind), John Allen (brass), Sebastian Angeles (percussion), Tamera Linton (auxiliary), and Ben Llorca (officer). The Section of the Week was the Auxiliary Team led by auxiliary captains Melanie Moreno-Lopez and Daniela Rives, and section leaders Mia Dixon, Yaylin Hernandez-Bautista, and Jillian Paquette. Congratulations! Here’s what you need to know for this week’s events. This Week’s Schedule: Monday (8/7)
Presto Assistant Accounts: If you have not yet accessed your Presto Assistant account, please contact Mrs. Robinson to gain access. Logging into Presto Assistant will allow you to see financial records towards band fees and update contact information. Shoe Orders (PAST DUE): All order forms for shoes are past due. If your student’s name is not on the list and they still need to order shoes, Mrs. Robinson will wait and take their orders on Monday, August 7th. Anyone needing shoes after Monday, August 7th will have to place their orders on their own. These links have been posted in the band website in “2023-2024 Info” under the “Students” tab. After shipping, shoe orders will cost approximately $50. Healthy Snack Orders (PAST DUE): All order forms for healthy snack are now past due. If your student’s name is not on the list and they still want to order healthy snack, please have them see Mrs. Robinson to place their order. This is the last request for healthy snack meal orders until the Weekly Update on September 17th. The price for all healthy snack orders will go up to $50 after Friday, September 15th. Senior Banner Pictures: All seniors who had their picture taken need to respond to Ms. Sieja via email. Ms. Sieja sent a request for students to select their pictures. Please be sure to specify the file number when you respond. We are going to have a Make-up Senior Banner Picture Day on Thursday, August 10th at 5:30pm. Any seniors who still want to have their picture taken should email Mrs. Robinson. Monday Rehearsal/PRHS Freshmen Orientation: PRHS is hosting Freshmen Orientation on Tuesday, August 8th from 6:00-8:00pm. Because of this conflict, the Marching Pride will be rehearsing on Monday, August 7th from 5:30-8:30pm. Drumline & Auxiliary Performance (Thurs. 8/10): Drumline & Auxiliary have been asked to perform for the students on the first day of school. Students who wish to participate should notify their section captain. Call time is 6:30am. All participating students will wear this year’s black WNW shirt with neutral-colored bottoms and gym shoes. Auxiliary students will get poms in the band room. Thursday Rehearsal Attire (Thurs. 8/10): On Thursdays, all band students are assigned a specific-colored shirt for rehearsal. Since we have a performance on Thursday, all band students will wear this year’s black WNW shirt with black bottoms. Auxiliary will wear a white shirt with black bottoms. Marching Pride Family Night Preview Performance (Thurs. 8/10): Our Family Night Preview Performance is this Thursday at 8:00pm in Bear Stadium. Gates will open at 7:15pm. This is an opportunity for parents, family, and friends to see what the Marching Pride worked on during band camp. When you arrive, please be mindful that we will still be rehearsing. Guests are not allowed on the track or field. We hope to see you there! Pep Rally (Fri. 8/11): PRHS is having our first pep rally of the year on Friday, August 11th! Band students will wear this year’s gray Marching Pride shirt with neutral-colored bottoms and gyms shoes. Auxiliary students will wear this year’s black WNW band shirt with neutral-colored bottoms and gym shoes. Participating students will receive and “all call” at 1:00pm and report to the band room. Auxiliary students will get poms in the band room. Poppin’ Popcorn Fundraiser (Ends Sat. 8/12): This is the last week to complete the Poppin’ Popcorn Fundraiser. We hope to get 100% participation. All students were asked to sell at least one item. If you have any questions concerning our fundraiser, please contact Band Booster Vice President, Mrs. Sandra Llorca at [email protected]. Donations (Still needed): We could still use more bottled water. If you’re able to donate a case of water, please have your student bring it to the band room when their arrive for rehearsal. Thank you for your consideration. Marching Pride Sponsors: We are reaching out to local businesses, family, and friends to help fund our program. Donations will be used towards this year’s marching band expenses. If you know anyone who’d be interested in becoming a Marching Pride Sponsor, please refer to the attached Sponsorship Form. We hope to start advertising our sponsors in the Weekly Update starting next week. 2024 Band Trip to Disney: Our first trip meeting will be on Monday, September 18th at 6:30pm in the auditorium. Please save the date! Questions? Please email Mrs. Annabelle Robinson at [email protected].
May 2024
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